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5084 Steadmont Dr
Houston, TX, 77040
United States

(713) 462-7072


Masonry cleaning and repair services. Stone Maintenance of all kind of materials; marble, granite, limestone, travertine, quartzite, slate, soapstone, ceramic, porcelain, cantera

stucco, plaster, and brick cleaning and repair

Building from scratch a Stone Gazebo


Brick, ceramic, marble, granite, limestone, plaster, porcelain, stucco, tile, travertine and slate - Cleaning, repair and reconditioning


Building from scratch a Stone Gazebo

La Pluma

Stage 1.- Foundation and Bases. Once we poured the concrete base we started assembling the water jet cut marble and limestone center mosaic as per drawing done by our Design-Draft drawing (caracol drawing). We built as well 6 limestone column bases and 4 limestone benches.



Stage 2.- Adding Stone Columns. Customer approved design called for 6 real marble columns made through the use of a Stone lathe assuring concentric accuracy. We began adding Capitel limestone pieces (all made at our shop).


Stage 3.- Reinforcing the structure before mounting limestone entablature pieces. In the mean time at our shop we carved the semi circular shape limestone entablature (crown pieces) and we delivered them to the job site, but we reinforced the primary structure in order to assure the proper safe mounting procedure.   


Stage 4.- Limestone Entablature Installation. With proper scaffolding assembly we prepared a manual crane to lift the heavy entablature pieces and mount accurately each one of them above the 6 marble columns, since everything was presented at our shop, a perfect circular structure is achieved. 

Stage 5.- Stone structure is ready. We finished our initial work and the limestone base structure is waiting to receive the cooper roof and all the electricity installation.